John E. Butler International Research Scholarship

This scholarship supports students intending to perform a semester abroad experience and will conduct research that incorporates science.

Students must be enrolled in the UW-River Falls Semester Abroad: Europe program, or another UW-River Falls education abroad program such as approved independent study or Experience Scotland, and intend to carry out a semester-long, advisor-approved research project while abroad.

Students must submit a research project proposal, signed by a faculty advisor. The proposal must include an indication of the research facility where the student will work abroad and the project in which they will participate.

Preference for a student with financial need.

Preference will be given to students who intend to present the results of their research at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research or at a discipline specific conference. This should be specified in the research proposal.

Preference will be given to students majoring in Biology, Chemistry or Physics, but any research proposal that incorporates science can be considered.

$4,500 - $10,000
Education Abroad Scholarships, International, Education Abroad Scholarships
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload your proposal for a science-based research project to be completed abroad. The proposal must include the name and contact for the research facility where you will complete your research. Please indicate the number of weeks that you will be completing research – a minimum of 11 weeks is required. If you intend to present your research at a national research or discipline specific conference, please include that information as well. The proposal must be signed by your faculty advisor.