Marcia Milbrath Marquardt
Born and raised in (rural) River Falls, Wisconsin. Loved living in the country. Active in 4-H, passion for outdoor activity, sewing, gardening, horses, chickens, dogs and cats.
National Honor Society Member, Choir and Girl’s Athletic Association and “beginning” of organized sports for young women. Participated in Swimming and Track and Field. Always interested in health and science and helping others.
Decision to pursue a career in Physical Education and Health was easy. Fortunate that UWRF offered a wonderful program, terrific mentors, and opportunity for fun and excellent preparation for teaching. Charter member of Beta Omicron Chapter (National Physical Education Fraternity), and member competitive swim team and Synchro-Paters (Aquatic Arts). Student teaching assignment was in Newcastle WY. , grades 6-8 (Physical Education and Health) and Coach of the Synchronized Swim Club, and Assistant Coach competitive swimming, and track.
Graduate of UWRF in 1971 and first teaching/coaching position was in Brookings, SD.
Teaching assistantship for graduate study – University of Arizona, Tucson. Received Masters degree Physical Education Administration in 1974. Taught freshman swimming, racket sports and folk dance. Thesis involved research in learning methods for sport skills. Worked with area elementary schools to evaluate various methods.
One year teaching position at UWRF – Carol LeBreck on leave. Thrill to be a member of the faculty where I received my degree. Shared an office with Byron James. Coach of Synchro-Paters. My mother (Flossie Milbrath) was on staff in Admissions Department (at UWRF) and my brother was a student. Opportunity for growth as an instructor and fun year to be “home again”.
Recommended for teaching/coaching position at Racine, WI (Washington Park HS), from Mike Farley in 1975. PE and Health teach, and coach of competitive and synchronized swim teams.
Four year adventure in Williamsburg, as instructor in Women’s Physical Education Department at the College of William and Mary. Terrific experience. Assignments included teaching swimming, folk dance, canoeing, badminton, field hockey and methods for beginning physical education teachers.
In 1981 accepted position in Forest Lake, MN as Supervisor of Aquatic Activities. Year-round position – combination working with Physical Education departments (K-12) and Community Education Department. New facility – new programs – new staff. Very challenging and rewarding job. Provided classes, recreation and competitive aquatic experiences for all ages.
While living in Forest Lake, I was a member of the paid-on call Fire/Rescue Department, having completed training in Emergency Medicine and Firefighter skills. Satisfying to help my community, and continue to fulfilling personal health and safely goals.
Married in 1984, to Fire Captain that I met teaching a Water Rescue class, as instructor for area technical college.
In 1992, I was hired by the Metropolitan Airports Commission as a member of the Fire/Rescue Department. Working at MSP International Airport was challenging, everyday was “different” and the training very valuable. Opportunity for teaching health and safety classes to colleagues, airport employees and travelers was a bonus of the job !
Retired from the fire service in 2004, and moved to Wisconsin. Currently gardening, sewing, raising chickens for fresh eggs, and black angus for beef Enjoy hiking beautiful trails with family, friends and of course dogs. Canoeing on the St. Croix River, and volunteering at county Alzheimer’s care facility and local Nursing Home. Active in the County Historical Society and community activities……..relaxing and enjoying living in the country (again).